Thursday, April 21, 2005

4-21: National Damn Day


Yesterday was 4-20. That was fun for the potheads. Today is 4-21, National Damn Day. It’s a very obscure holiday that I and some of my buddies in college came across when we found some old manuscripts in a cave along the Lewis & Clark trail. After finding these artifacts, we decided to bring the holiday back to life. We also ran out of toilet paper, so we used the manuscripts, which were surprisingly soft, then buried them, so that bears would not eat us.

Today is the only day of the year everything can be damned without consequences. Damn whatever you want. Go buck wild with your damn self. Most people don’t know this, but on any other day of the year anything you damned would be condemned to an eternity in the fiery depths of hell. Yes, that’s how powerful the word "damn" is. That’s why we only use it when talking about damn Zach Braff or damn Natalie Portman. I mean, we don’t want everybody to go to hell, do we?

For more on the history of "D-Day" I turn it over to my dear friend, co-founder of The Damn Papers, damn historian and Damn Day observer, Dr. J.T. Nice III.

“The first Damn Day was celebrated by our founding fathers the day after the Puritans decided to puff the ganja. In the words of our Amos Whitley (1793)

our Amos Whitley

‘Wherefore we have come tither, we shall not partake of the inhalation of a controlled substance. No, in inhalation’s stead we shall curse. We shall curse and be free from retribution. Our sons shall curse and work the fields with a clean conscious!’

I and my young son will celebrate by having our holiday Spam and swearing. He is learning ‘da da’ and already knows ‘ma ma’ so he basically knows all the parts of the word. He just needs to get them in the right order.”

So there you have it folks. If you are in the Las Vegas area, I would suggest celebrating at the Hoover Dam. While you’re there, ask the dam tour guide if the Hoover Dam is in fact a "God dam."

Live it up.

Damn it all.

It’s your damn right.



At 10:00 AM, Blogger jb said...

I'm laughing my damn self to death. We had a "special judge" from east-central Kentucky hearing a case a couple months back, and all he could say, with that arrogant twang of his, was "damn" pretty much anything. Damn judges, activist or otherwise.

At 10:38 AM, Blogger Aaron said...

Yes, D-Day is alive and well in east-central Kentucky.


At 1:21 PM, Blogger Aaron said...

Wow. I wonder what a celebration for those two events would look like. Maybe start off with some cocktails of broken glass followed by a piñata full of killer bees.

At 4:12 PM, Blogger Veruca Salt said...

can I use "damnation"? I'm looking to bring back more words and phrases from the past

At 5:29 PM, Blogger Aaron said...

You know what the best nation in the world is?

Well, it's urination, but damnation is a close second.

At 5:52 PM, Blogger Veruca Salt said...

What are your thoughts on "tarnation" - I'd like to bring it back into vogue, but I'm worried that I'd sound too much like Yosemite Sam... even though I'm way taller than he is

At 6:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

speaking of spam....
I was there in 2005! Weeee.

At 9:49 PM, Blogger Aaron said...

Tarnation. I like it.

Let's bring it back.

At 12:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Spamarama! That sounds great! Bring on the canned pork products!


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