Monday, March 28, 2005

Cos-ing a stir. HA! Get it?

So I received an email from a “friend” today. This “friend” had some things to say about my blog. I thought I would share them. I changed the “friend’s” name to protect the not-so-innocent.

From: Cherries Jubilee
Sent: Monday, March 28, 2005 3:31 PM
To: Aaron Robnett

I don’t even know where to begin about your blog-E-blog.  Although, it seems like you have a lot more free time than you let on when you could be emailing or calling your friend Cherries Jubilee. 

Don’t compare Oregon to the Australian Outback.  That just perpetuates the myth that we are all hicks in the sticks.  Well, I guess you are from Salem.  Did I tell you the last time I went to Vegas the taxi driver asked if we had paved roads or if we rode horses and carriages.   We then referenced the Blazers he kind of got it.  Scary.

What is this innate need to continue this same diatribe about High Fidelity?  It’s a good movie.  You love Jack Black.  Point made.  Is there any more you need to say?  And don’t make fun of us nerds that read books and it’s usually true that they are more enjoyable then really poorly written screenplays for mega-popular films.  (i.e. Jurassic Park). 

Are you lacking in outlets of expression?  It seems like you need to impart your knowledge on those that might not be privy to it on a daily basis, but really, is it just so you don’t have to write as many emails, and your friends can just go on the old blog and see what Aaron is thinking today?  I guess this throws back to your initial email to me about the self-serving aspect of it.  Don’t you feel that personal mono e mono interfacing is more intimate?  I don’t want to talk to those people?  I want to see how Aaron is.

And I definitely didn’t need to see The Hoff again, but thanks.   

The profanity is upsetting and unnecessary. 

And since when have you been Captain Patriotic?  Does America need to win everything and do we need to think that it does? 

I’ve never seen Insomnia, but I think I will now so I can tell you how much I enjoyed it.

(Editor’s note: In the original email this next sentence was in a giant bright-green font for added emphasis.)

And…the Last Starfighter is too different to be compared to flight of the navigator, and in my opinion better – less Disney.

Talk to you later!!!

Cherries Jubilee

Here was my response.

From: Aaron Robnett
Sent: Monday, March 28, 2005 3:53 PM
To: Cherries Jubilee
Subject: RE:

Jeez. I had no idea I could make someone so angry with my blog already.

Why can’t I have opinions about things? Also, why can’t I embellish and fictionalize a little bit for entertainment’s sake?

Most people who do blogs just get on there and make it like a crappy diary. They just say things that no one else would care about, like how they “feel” or what their cat “did” today. Who cares? Don’t post that on the internet. Write it in your Hello Kitty journal. Don’t bother me with it. Blogs should be stuff people, who may not even know you, want to read. That’s my intention with mine anyhow.

I like to read books, just like you do. In fact, I’ve been reading about a book a week lately, but I don’t go around bragging about it, or dropping it in conversations about movies every chance I get. THAT’S what I’m making fun of. Not the reading part--the annoying bragging part.

Profanity? Since when do you care about profanity? I’ll have you know that I only use it when necessary. If you’ve seen Team America, then you know why I chose to say “F*** yeah!” at the end of my patriotic rave.

Are you trying to censor me? Who do you think you are, the FCC? If I can’t have free speech on my own blog, then I’m not a free man!

Also, if you remember, I called you like twice last week but you were sick. So I’ve been trying to communicate “mono e mono” (wow, that’s some gringoized Spanish...BTW it’s mano y mano which literally means “hand to hand”) but you haven’t been around to answer.

I would like to think of my blog as a supplement to all the emails and phone calls, not a replacement.


There you have it. Just another lovely day of friends loving friends, here on ol’ Sweater Ranch.


At 9:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sounds like your friend is the one who has a little too much time on their hands. I usually don't have time to criticize blogs.

At 8:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

mono e mono is actually latin.
--love, a nerd


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