Monday, April 04, 2005

Ladies, have you given up?

No, no. Don’t tell me. I just need a quick look at you.

I know you’re probably thinking I must be some kind of chauvinist jerk to claim that I can tell just by looking at a woman whether she’s given up on life or not. But I can, okay? Can you just accept that I have a gift? And if you’ll stop your whining for two seconds I’ll tell you my secret. Are you done?

Alright. Here it is: It’s all in the hairdo.

That’s right. I don’t need to look at your ring finger. I don’t need to see how many car seats you have in the backseat nor do I need to read some boring suicide note you’ve just written. Just show me your hair. If you’ve got the mom haircut, that’s all I need to know.

threw in the towel

Now I don’t have a problem with actual moms having mom haircuts. In fact, that’s a good idea. Men, encourage your wife and mother of your children to get the mom haircut. It’s like OFF!™ spray, but instead of repelling insects it repels other men.

Hey! Stop scoffing! I’m not just some ass saying this. American Freaking is saying the same thing. In fact they say the mom haircut is Mommy Milestone #5. I shit you not.

The problem with the mom haircut is that single, childless women continue to opt for this horrendous hairstyle. Someone somewhere (I’ll go out on a limb and say Oprah) is telling women that this haircut is not only acceptable, but that it is cute and attractive. Ladies, listen to me when I say that NOTHING COULD BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH.

evil, barren, bitter purveyor of lies!

Getting the mom haircut if you are not a mom is UNNATURAL. Men are visual. We pick up on visual cues you give us to let us know if you are available. Hence the invention of miniskirts, push-up bras and Paris Hilton. And if you want more evidence, look no further than the animal world. Females change color, make strange yipping sounds and emit odors to let males know they’re available. You don’t see animals in the wild trying their darnedest to look like they’re NOT in heat. Can you imagine a female baboon hiding her enflamed posterior because some other rich, loud-mouthed baboonette with her own afternoon TV show told her to? No. You would never see that. Why? BECAUSE THAT IS INSANE.

two things that should never go together:
the mom haircut and devil fingers

This is the same reason you never see single men driving minivans. Minivans do not say “hey ladies! I’m flying solo tonight, so hop on in.” No, they say, “uh what’s that honey? Milk? We need milk? Okay. And tampons? Again? Okay, okay.”

neutered dad on board!

Please know that I am not doing this for my own benefit. I have many close female friends that have fallen for this lie and it’s a very, very sad thing to see happen. I only give this public service announcement because of my unconditional care for these women. If this happens to keep one single woman from getting the mom haircut, and in turn having a boyfriend, who may or may not be me, then this has all been worth it.

To further my point, I spent countless hours on the internet looking for photos of Jennifer Love Hewitt with short hair, and I have not found a single one.


Okay, a few hours later I found one, but c’mon. She could have wet paper bag for hair and she’d still be hot.


At 11:14 AM, Blogger Veruca Salt said...

Just for clarification - if I have a kid and DON'T have the mom haircut and DO partake in the short skirts and cute underwear does that make me a little bit trampy? Or just not dead yet?

At 11:32 AM, Blogger Aaron said...

I think that just makes you sane, and yes, alive. Congratulations!

At 2:25 PM, Blogger Tim said...

mmmm.. Jennifer Love Hewitt could look exactly like Oprah and still be hot. Wait, nevermind.

At 2:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jennifer Love Hewitt is not hot in any way, though she may have a huge rack.
I don't think you, of all people, should critize anyones hair. You have none and therefore should not judge others's. I understand that men want women to have long hair as a show of femininity, but it is high maintenance. It's way easier to have mom hair and not have to do anything with it at all. I say leave the mom-hairs alone in their lifestyle choices and maybe they haven't given up.

At 2:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

MINI VAN, MEGA FUN!!!! The title of the book you are now reading scares me.

At 3:18 PM, Blogger Aaron said...

Yes I am bald, but that can't be equated to the momdo. That's like comparing apples to oranges with menopause.

At 3:50 PM, Blogger thehotlibrarian said...

I'm not a mom, nor do I have the mom 'do, and if I ever become a mom, I vow to never, ever get the throwin'-in-the-towel 'do until I'm sixty and it doesn't matter anyway because life has thrown in the towel for me.

And you are seriously the funniest person I've read in a long time and I join Cate in having a crush on you.

At 7:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cos, you ever see the SNL commercial for "Mom Jeans?" It was amazing...

At 12:28 AM, Blogger Aaron said...

Mom Jeans rule. And so do shoulder pads.

At 12:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damn dude. 2 blog crushes. Keep this up and you're gonna get a lot of blogtang!


At 3:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

THL is absolutely right; you're funny. Almost as funny as I am, and that's tough to beat. Well, except that I'm at my funniest when I'm being serious. And anonymous is pretty funny, too, because he said 'others's'.

At 9:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't believe what Mom-do women say about it being "easier." You have to style it more, go to the salon more often, think about it more. With longer hair you have to option of brush and go or ponytail and go. Longer hair is Great!


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