Monday, May 16, 2005

I Will Never Understand Women

Hey everybody! Thanks for visiting ol’ Sweater Ranch. Sorry I haven’t written in a while. That’s because I haven’t been inspired to write lately. And that’s mostly due to the fact that one of my co-workers downloaded Unreal Tournament to all of the G5s in our department. So 4 hours after the end of each workday I end up heading home dizzy with the taste of murder lingering on my tongue, which doesn’t leave much time for writing posts or having a life.

But I’m back. I had to come back. Because what I saw tonight disturbed me to my core.

I saw a commercial for the upcoming movie Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants.


Of the.


Oh f**k. I can’t even type it.

What in God’s name is this world coming to? Before I even attempt to ponder the plot, what gives with this title? Ladies, you’re going to have to explain this one to me. What is it with you and your freaking crazy-ass titles for your movies? What are you trying to do to the movie industry? I bet John Wayne is rolling over in his grave right now.

Sisterhood of the…? Aw, f**k. I ain’t sayin’ that.

Let’s just think about how all your chick-flicks are titled for a moment. Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. The Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood. How to Make An American Quilt. Fried Green Tomatoes. Riding in Cars with Boys. How Stella Got Her Groove Back. How to Lose A Guy in 10 Days. Beaches.

First off, they’re long. Why do they have to be so long? And secondly, they’re gay. Why do they have to be so gay? C’mon ladies, it’s a movie not a Denny’s menu item.

Yeah I’ll have the…f**k it. Just coffee, thanks.

Do you expect us guys to accompany you to movies titled this way? There is no way I would go up to the box office and ask for two tickets to Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. The only way I could imagine you making it less likely for me to buy tickets is to title it Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, Frolicking Box of Tampax and Roaming Dove Bars. Given the choice between the two with a gun to my head and rusty pliers firmly attached to my scrotum, I would choose the former. But it would take me a few minutes.

I have an idea. Why don’t you just name all of your movies “Oprah.” Then each time another comes out, it’s just an Oprah sequel. Like Oprah II or Oprah XXVII. That way it’s easy for us dumb guys to know we should steer clear of it, it identifies with something all women love, and it saves valuable room on the marquee for stuff like Rambo and Rocky and Cobra.

The only thing more efficient than his crime-
squelching techniques are his movie titles.

But it’s futile for me to try to reason with you women. No matter what I say you’ll still use the word “cute,” shriek at the top of your lungs when you run into one of your girlfriends in a public place (even if you’ve just seen her an hour ago at work), and insist that you are capable of driving an automobile and/or using a remote control.

Anyhow, let’s get back to this God-forsaken movie.

Let’s look at the plot. Four girls find a pair of pants that fits them all perfectly. What?!? That’s another thing I don’t get about women. Why are you always wearing each other’s clothes? Guys don’t do that. I would never think of going into one of my buddies’ closets and saying, “Whoa, Gary, these slacks are nice, mind if I try ‘em on?” If I did do that I would fully expect Gary to punch me in the neck, flip me over and check my brain stem to see if an alien had attached itself to me and taken over my body to infect the human race. In fact, if Gary did not take that EXACT course of action, I would be forced to punch Gary in the neck and check him for aliens.

”Whew. It’s just an alien, Gary.”

Then, with their awesome girl-logic they decide to use the pants as a way of keeping in touch, each one wearing them for a week to see what luck they bring before mailing them on to the next.

”I got crabs! What’d you guys get?”

This is not a joke, my fellow males. This is actually based on a New York Times best-seller. Yep, it's official. I would rather walk in on my parents having sex than see this movie, or read about my parents having sex, than read this best-seller.

Next up: The riveting Dove Bar scene.

I’ve already rambled on too long about this waste of film. Besides, I’m sure Rosie has probably already written a blog poem about how much she loves Traveling Pants that you girls would rather read anyway.

But just for fun I might have to hang out by a box office and wait for a guy to ask for tickets to this movie and then laugh hysterically as he has to bury his manhood deep inside his wife’s purse as he spits out that title.

Nah, I’ll just keep playing Unreal.

The 874th kill is just as satisfying as the first.


At 12:15 PM, Blogger angie said...

i'll take UT over a chick movie any day of the week.

however, sometimes i do like me some girly movies.

At 6:02 PM, Blogger Stephen said...

ALL restaurants should have numbers beside menu options so that guys don't have to say things like, um, well, you know: "moons over my hammy".

i feel emasculated after just *writing* that never mind saying it.

At 10:57 PM, Blogger You can call me Betty said...

ok ok...first of all...let us talk about some guy titles like, "speed", "Cobra," "twister," "daredevil", "daylight," and "UHF" now now, my little Cosby friend we must look at these titles and ponder.... Do guys need movies with only a one word title to: A. Have more time to masticate and masturbate or B: Because after two syllables the desire to fondle and hold with pride, their scrotums, becomes too overwhelming to remember anything past that? Now wait...I've thought of at least one guy movie, you have to admit is probably the only movie you have silently cried through (openly or doing that..."I'm looking at the ceiling cause I'm sleepy" thing that guys do when they don't want anyone to see that they like movies with more than one word in the title).
Field (1) of (2) Dreams (3)...fuck I'm crying just thinking of it... "if you build it (mmmm... home will come..." random and like a bad first date...illusive and boooorrrrriiiinnnnggg.
That being said, if I went to see "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants" I'd have to turn in my woman card... I'm not 12...and any girlfriend that makes you watch that is probably under the age of 18 and you should go to jail.
p.s. Love this blog...keep up the good work :)

At 11:06 AM, Blogger Aaron said...


I knew someone was going to bring up the age thing, but my only defense was this was advertised like after 10 PM on MTV. So I don't know if 12 year olds should be watching MTV after 10 PM.

Nice work though.

At 4:01 PM, Blogger Other Brother said...

When it first came out, all my friends with girlfriends had to go see All the Pretty Horses. While they got in the car I sat on the porch, single as ever, with a beer and joint saying, "come back and tell me how pretty the horses were."
Maybe not as funny now as it was then. The point being that they hated it. Then again they all had really hot girlfriends.

At 11:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did they ever wash the pants? ? B/c that could be kinda gross.

At 11:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is so funny. I have to say, I was laughing out loud. I have to pass this on.

At 11:58 AM, Blogger mollyblogger said...

Come on guys. This is bound to be a GREAT movie. Pants are a universal truth for women. It's what unites us. We all have pants, wear pants, and sometimes even share pants. I think it's about f-ing time someone made a movie about pants... and sisterhoods of travelling ones.

At 11:27 PM, Blogger Jess said...

No, they never wash them. For three years.

At 3:44 PM, Blogger Beatrice Petty said...

You forgot about Dr. T and the Women... not only a sucky title... but Richard Gere. Ugh.

Fully in agreement CS re: not being caught dead going to see this movie.

However, as someone who DID walk in on their parent having sex (I was 13)... if I had to choose... Parents... hands down.

At 12:01 PM, Blogger Artist In Transition said...

OK, boy movies are as dumb as girl movies, but boys like to watch their movies with other boys, and in fact have no desire to have their girlfriends along for the ride. No woman is ever going to get the guy poetry of "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly."

Love the blog. LMAO.


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