Friday, May 06, 2005

Colors & Textures (of my stool)

This post is about my personal bodily functions, so you may want to put down that ham sandwich.

Okay, so I’m a little freaked out.

A strange thing’s been happening. Something that’s never happened before. And for the love of God it won’t stop.

My stool is green. Bright green. Like, so green it’s almost blue. Like green enough for an Irishman to don it on St. Patrick’s day without a second thought about it. Seriously, it looks like I pooped a few poop-shaped 2000 Flushes tablets.

More green, but you get the idea.

Five consecutive BMs have been this color. Five. One more green BM and I’m going to have to start counting them on TWO hands.

I’m afraid. Hold me? Hold me!

Look! It’s Al Eisen, inventor of 2000 Flushes®.
He’s helping me count off my green BMs. He’s
making a FIVE in this picture, but his thumb got
amputated in a horrible flushing accident in 1996.

After I calmed down, I tried to figure out what could be causing these pastel dumps.

I haven’t made any drastic changes in my diet, although I noticed the other day that I had a lot of artificially-orange-colored foods. I had a Kraft Single® on my turkey sandwich, a small bag of Doritos® and a Diet Sunkist® all within a 24-hour span. But Ziploc® commercials have told me that orange and orange do not make green, that’s yellow and blue. So that couldn’t be it.

Doritos® have done some pretty monstrous things to
my BMs before, but turning them green was never one of them.

With nowhere to turn, besides calling a doctor, which I wouldn’t do unless I was dying (I hate doctors), I went to the world wide web to see if it could shed some light on my odd-hued poo.

"What’s that? Green? Randy! Get in here, you have to hear this."


It starts off with two questions.

Do you ever stop to smell and look at your bowel movement?

No, except when I turn around to flush and see the toilet water looking like Lime Kool-Aid. Then I might do a double take.

Are you the kind of person who flushes the toilet before you get off of it?

No, I don’t like to get my ass soaking wet right before I pull up my pants. But I’m not the type to dry my kids off and tuck them into bed after dropping them off at the pool either. Jeesh.

Then, after the quiz, was the most insulting statement I’ve ever read. Most people are carrying a septic tank around all the time. And that septic tank has not been pumped out for many years. The septic tank I am talking about is YOUR COLON. Wow. That’s worse than any "yo momma" joke I’ve ever heard. Can you imagine gettin’ served this? "Oh yeah? Well you’re a septic tank that has not been pumped out for many years!" How do you retaliate? You can’t. It’s the ultimate slam.

"Yo boyyyeee, you got served, sh*t style!"

Anyway, color didn’t come up until the third step. It says that stool should be YELLOWISH in color. It said it may be DARK GREEN if I’ve eaten green vegetables, which I have and do normally, but this type of green I’ve never seen. The only colors it said to be alarmed with are BLACK, RED and GRAYISH WHITE.

Also of note, according to the Homeland Security Advisory System
my turds are at a LOW to GUARDED risk of terrorist attacks.

What I gathered from this page was that I should be spending a lot more time investigating the toilet before I flush, and that healthy stool is YELLOWISH, SOFT AND FLUFFY, NON-GREASY, AND FREE OF FOUL ODOR. Oh yeah, and that I’m a walking SEPTIC TANK THAT HAS NOT BEEN PUMPED OUT FOR MANY YEARS.

The rarely-achieved perfect stool.

So, I guess I will still be wondering what these green poos really mean. If any of you have any knowledge of what I might be suffering from (or blessed with) let me know. Words of encouragement and love are also appreciated.

Thank you for listening, and enjoy your dinner.


At 5:09 PM, Blogger angie said...

see, mine has been like that, but it was christmas time and i had a few too many green cookies.

perhaps it isnt what you are eating, but what are you drinking?

also - medications? some of them will totally do that to you too.

and that pic of al eisen "counting" for you will never stop being funny.


At 8:46 PM, Blogger bob hyatt said...

I snorted coke out my nose... And I wasn't even drinking coke, so that must have been some seriously funny stuff.

i'm linking this.

must share cosby humor...

At 9:34 PM, Blogger angie said...

see bob, most people snort coke IN their nose.

i'll have to send you my "cocaine users manual". it helps, man.

At 10:24 PM, Blogger Aaron said...

Thanks for your support guys.

The only thing I could think of was that I have drank green tea lately, but it's just one cup of Tazo Zen, and it looks more brown than green.

Oh, yeah, and I'm up to SIX now.

At 12:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've heard that your poop can be green if your body is producing too much bile. What that means, I'm not sure, but I think it has to do with drinking alot of beer and overworking your liver.... (not that I would know anything about that....)
I have also hear that in ferrets it can show that thier digestive tract is going very fast and not picking up the dead red blood cells... hmmm.
check out these websites. They may be helpful. :)

happy pooping!

At 1:09 AM, Blogger Aaron said...

I knew I could count on you, sushi.


Although, this is getting weird talking about this so much. For a guy who hates doctors, especially.

At 2:45 PM, Blogger Aaron said...


The magic number was 8. I'm back to normal.

Thank you for your concern. Happy mother's day.

At 12:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oprah even had a show about poo evaluation lately. That's mainstream, boy! She missed out on the fluffy yellow chicks though. That was great!

At 12:40 PM, Blogger kitten said...

lets file this one under "Too much information..." blog..

At 9:33 PM, Blogger sookie said...

check out the blogs on
there are some hilarious charts for identifying healthy poop. looks like they were done by the school board in the 70s, perfecrt media for your site.

At 11:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know when you posted this but I just had the most green poop I've ever seen! Like, Christmas green, almost blue too! I started taking this kick ass vitamins and have been eating bright blue licorice but what the hell?! The poop is freaky!

At 5:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

FDA Blue#5 + yellowish bile = Kermit Turd.

At 5:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beware if you are week of stomach or don't like graphic descriptions!!!! Same problem here... I always check out the color of my poop. Whether it sinks or floats (I hear it's health related, but I don't know how); and make sure it flushes well... I went to a concert this weekend and did a bunch of cocaine for two days (I'd love to see your cocaine user's guide). I came home, showered, slept, and shit myself when I thought I was farting... It was green! Bright Green!!! Like Saint Patrick's Day! Irish dream about the green. At least 5 times! I read this on the web.....

"If stool is still green by the time it is excreted, it could mean that it went through the large intestine too fast to be changed in color. This is often called "rapid transit" or "decreased colonic transit time" and diarrhea that is green in color could be the result"

I don't know if it contributed, but I'm subscribing to this. I hope everything goes back to normal by tommorrow... We'll see....

At 6:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you all for your posts. When I had my first bright green stool this morning I thought it was odd. When I had another this afternoon I was sure that I was dying from some rare disease. After reading your posts I am elated to find out that it was just the blue corn chips that I ate last night. Love to you all!

At 12:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep, as mentioned above, cocaine can do the trick! After a good night, my next two stools were very green! Kind of freaky at first, but it's good to know the facts.

Thanks for the blog! :)

At 10:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Normal stool is not yellow, that indicates liver dysfunction

Green stool is from bile due to rapid transit, medications, supplements or foods with coloring such as blue licorice

White stool is due to X-ray medicine such as Barium or absorption disorder

Fatty or oil drops in stool is because of malabsorption

Bright Red is from lower GI Bleeding or possibly Hemmorhoids, large amounts is an emergency especially with signs of shock

Dark Red/Black/ Tarry- upper GI bleeding (stomach/sm intestines) blood is turned black by digestion. Confirm this with occult blood test such as Hemaccult Test.

I wouldn't worry too much about the green, check what you have been eating/taking over past week. I ate a bag of blue berry licorice and had green stool.

At 10:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Also it is a Myth perpetuated by con-artists that you have stool or "sewage" backed up in your colon- the body empties the entire thing out on a regular basis I assure you. There are no "toxins" that your liver can't normally handle and this myth about colon cleansing is utter lies. Get an enema if you want a clean colon otherwise let your body work the way it was designed to, you'll save $$$


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